Select the appropriate baud rate to connect to the switch via the console port.
You have a choice of two speeds: 9,600 and 115,200 kbps
Switches of the lower series (S4600) usually use the 9,600 speed, and those of the higher series (S5750) use the 115,200 kbps speed.
If the switch does not respond at the set speed, choose the second option.

In DCN devices you can easily change the displayed language. The way to change it depends on the type and model of device.
You can do this from the command line or from the web interface (during login, as well as after login).
From the CLI command line, type the command:
SW(config)#web language english
When logging in to the device:

When you log in:

Update firmware if your device does not have the latest software, or if any of the key functionalities has been improved….
You will need the DevTypeID number to select the correct software version.
You can find step-by-step upgrade instructions and the latest software at https://www.dcneurope.eu/pl/download/firmware-download
By default, access to the switch via ssh is disabled. To enable it, in the CLI from the global configuration, issue the command:
Switch(config)#ssh-server enable
This will enable access via ssh for all users created on the switch.
Verification of the service startup is possible with the commands:
show running-config
show running-config | include ssh
More detailed information is available with the command:
show ssh-server

Disabling ssh is done with a command:
Switch(config)#no ssh-server enable
On DCN switches, access to the WEB GUI is enabled by default (so the show running-config command will not show the service startup).
If the service has been disabled, restarting it is possible with the following command from the global configuration level:nda show running-config nie pokaże uruchomienia usługi).
Jeżeli usługa została wyłączona, ponowne jej uruchomienie jest możliwe przy pomocy poniższej komendy z poziomu konfiguracji globalnej:
Switch(config)#ip http server

For the “admin” user, this enables connection to the WEB GUI of the switch. To make this function available to other created users, an additional command is needed:
Switch(config)#web login privilege open
After logging in, a simple graphical interface with graphics that do not burden the switch’s memory is available to the

-to disable the service we can use the command:
Switch(config)#no ip http server
Switches have the ability to connect using https. We start the service with the command:
Switch(config)#ip http secure-server
If the switch has a management port, then it is better to upgrade the switch through this port, it will speed up the upgrade process.
In the situation where the switch is not equipped with a management port (“Mgmt”) then you can use any port configured as Access assigned to the designated VLAN.
By default, all ports are in Access mode and assigned VLAN No. 1. Interface Vlan addressing method is discussed in another article.
By default, DCN switches do not have IP address assigned to any vlan or port.
The ip address can be set: statically (instructions in the other FAQ) or dynamically using ‘dhcp-client’
With the factory configuration, the switch has ‘dhcp-client’ running in vlan 1 and on the MGMT port (if it has one) in the first minute after startup. ‘Dhcp-client’ in this mode is used for auto-provisioning, i.e. downloading the pre-configuration file from the TFTP server.
All ports on the switch are in VLAN 1 by default; to set the IP address of the switch, you need to assign the address to the VLAN 1 interface or, if necessary, create another VLAN you need and assign the address to its interface.
S4600-10P-SI#config terminal
S4600-10P-SI(config)#interface vlan 1
S4600-10P-SI(config-if-vlan1)#IP address
DCN Wi-Fi access points have the default IP address: Using this address, we can log into the device’s configuration interface.
To assign an address to the port to manage the switch (Mgmt), you need to configure Ethernet interface 0.
S4600-10P-SI#config terminal
S4600-10P-SI(config)#interface ethernet 0
S4600-10P-SI(config-if-vlan1)#IP address
When launching a Wi-Fi wireless network on DCN devices, there may be a problem that the controller does not detect APs. This situation occurs when the controller does not have a Wireless Management IP address configured. This address is configured from within the wireless network controller.
Using the controller’s GUI, the configuration is done as in the following screenshot

Configuration is also possible via the command line. This is the ‘static-ip’ parameter in the ‘wireless’ section.
The address to set here is one of the IP addresses assigned to the ‘vVLAN interfaces’ on this controller with which the access points can communicate. We specify it in the form of the IP itself without a mask.
The ability to configure the controller from the command line requires uploading the appropriate licence. The licence does not require an additional fee, but it is not installed on the controller by default. To obtain it, contact DCN Europe technical support (support@dcneurope.eu).
Licences that allow configuration via CLI, can only be installed with CLI. The licence on the controller must always have the following name: ‘configCtrl.licx’. If the licence file has a different name then the controller will accept it, we will receive a message that the licence is installed, but we will still not have access to the ‘config’ menu.
Copy the appropriate licence file with the command:
copy tftp://x.x.x.x/configCtrl.licx configCtrl.licx
We can use a tftp, ftp, sftp server as the source server.
Technical documentation and the latest software for DCN devices are available at www.dcneurope.eu under the Download menu [1].
You can access these resources by logging in [3]. If you do not have login information, please fill out the form [2].

We will send you a password to the address provided in the form, allowing you to log in and download the materials you need. If you already have a password but still have trouble accessing it, please contact your account manager.