Reliable LAN and Wi-Fi networks.
See how much you'll gain by switching to DCN.
Are you looking for robust networking equipment? Tired of hidden costs?
We know how difficult it is to balance user expectations and the rising costs of network infrastructure. DCN solutions allow you to build and expand LAN and Wi-Fi networks without breaking your budget.
We believe that any network can be built better.
There is no universal network. We treat each case individually. Check out how we've done it so far.
Meet our partners.
Wierzymy, że każdą sieć można zbudować lepiej.
Nie ma uniwersalnej sieci. Każdy przypadek traktujemy indywidualnie. Sprawdź, jak robiliśmy to do tej pory.
Rozwiązania dla sektora
Rozwiązania dla sektora edukacyjnego
Rozwiązania dla sektora medycznego
Rozwiązania dla
Operatorzy telekomunikacyjni
Rozwiązania dla sektora usług kulturalnych i rozrywkowych
More than 50,000 pieces of DCN network equipment in operation across Europe.
We are in Poland, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.

We play open cards.

Select 'DCN' Europe
Company with Polish capital and many years of experience
Specialists in LAN and Wi-Fi networks
Flexible terms of cooperation
Warehouse in Europe
Professional advice and technical support
Returns and Complaints Management Center (RMA) in Europe
High equipment life - less than 1% of defects reported under warranty.

Are you an IT systems integrator or implementing network projects? Find out why you should work with us.
Do you need equipment at hand?
We have created a sales platform for our partners. 24/7 you can use our B2B sales platform.

Conferences, trainings, articles, product news. Everything we do for you

Smarter Wi-Fi Planning Starts Here

The XVII edition of the Days of Light is behind us!